Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Day by Day

Its funny what life can throw at you.2 years ago I was working full time carpet cleaning.I was living in a one bedroom unit,and saw my 2 sons every 2 weeks.Then I received a phone call from my Sister in England telling me that my Father had died,he was 84 and had dementia and was in a rest-home,but somehow you think your parents will live forever.I booked a flight to England,after getting time off work and arranging a loan to pay for my trip.My Sister was so relieved I could make it.She is so wonderful she had been looking after our Dad before he went into care.The one good thing about the trip was meeting my son and daughter who I had not seen for years and my 2 grandkids that I had never met.I came back to New Zealand  and went back to work,A couple of days later while I was helping a friend fix a TV Antennae,I fell off the roof and down 10 mitres .I fractured 4 vertebrae and also broke my sternum.
I mended slowly then a year ago my youngest Mark asked if he could live with me,of course I said yes,and a couple of months after that,my ex told me she could not manage,and was moving in with her boyfriend in another town,my eldest Jared did not want to move Schools in his last year at College so he came to live with me.Now I just receive a Benefit every week and its so hard to manage,most weeks we run out of money.But I do my best we all all happy,we joke alot and have fun.And this is why I started to think positive and be grateful for the good things in my life.Its not always easy but you can train your mind and it works,every day is a new challenge,you all take care out there and smile at a stranger and make their day.....Tony

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