Monday, 22 August 2011

Living in New Zealand

Hello everyone.I was born in England,and came to live in New Zealand 16 years ago,the culture is not much different here so it was easy to make the move.There is alot to be grateful for living here,we are so far away from some of the problems of living in the Northern hemisphere.The weather lol,and the weather.But I look at all the trouble spots in the world and we have none of that.Today is a great example for the weather,if you get a frost in England it can hang around all day,but here in Taupo we get sharp frosts {last night -4},but then we get beautiful sunny days,its still cold but its lovely.Across lake Taupo,you can see the snowy mountains,which are only a hour ans a half drive,big ski resort there.But just standing by the lake looking at the beautiful view,is up- lifting and lifts your spirits.You should have a look at where I live and try to visit one day. .You can go Tandem Sky Diving,Bungee Jumping and so many more great things.Lots of great places to eat and at Piccalos Cafe you will find the best Coffee in Taupo.My Sister and Niece came here for a holiday and they did not want to leave to go back to England,and everyone who comes here on holiday says they could move here so easily.
I will finish this blog now as I am going job hunting so wish me luck .Please sign up at the bottom of the page,would love to see you following me.take care out there.

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