Monday, 12 September 2011

Sometimes you just have to smile

Life can throw some funny things at you sometimes.I thought today I must do more to get fit,so I took my boys to College,left my car in town and walked home.Its about 6kl or about 4 miles,on the way home the weather was a bit windy,but okay.The only problem getting to my house is you cannot avoid walking up hill,this is due to Taupo being built on the side of a Volcano,but the last time it erupted was 2,000 years ago lol.
When it was time for me to walk back to town the wind had got alot stronger,so much the waves on the lake were crashing in,making it look more like the sea.And I had heavy showers falling on me,but I just keep walking along listening to my Ipod and was happy,its all about your state of mind I think.I should find out by the end of the week if I have the job I applied for so everyone cross their fingers.I love the comments some of you leave,keep it up,and can you follow me as well please.And every time you click on an advert on my page I earn a little money,but it all helps me.take care everyone and smile at a stranger and help make the world happier.......Tony

Government Philosophy: If it ain't broke, fix it 'till it is.

And my thought for the day.......It is better to lose a love, than to have loved a loser!!!

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