Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Life can be hard but make it fun

Hey everyone,well hopefully Spring has come early to New Zealand,the nights are still cold but lovely warm sunny days.I am in an up beat mood,I have almost got a job as a Security Guard,I have not worked for 2 years,as first I had an accident and fractured 4 vertebrae,then my 2 boys came to live with me,so its been a very tough 2 years.Money is so tight and my eldest is hopefully going to Uni next year so I have to get money,I have put a donation button on my page just in case anyone has a couple of dollars to spare,I hate asking.As anyone with teenagers will know teenagers eat from the minute they open their eyes to the time when they close,even then I think they dream about food lol.But despite all the hard times we are all happy,we laugh alot in our house,and it makes such a big difference.I am grateful to have 2 happy healthy boys,that are well adjusted to take on the world.Have a great day everyone and be kind to each other...Tony

A panda bear walks into a bar and orders a sandwich. The waiter brings him the sandwich. The panda bear eats it, pulls out a pistol, kills the waiter, and gets up and starts to walk out. The bartender yells for him to stop. The panda bear asks, "What do you want?" The bartender replies, "First you come in here, order food, kill my waiter, then try to go without paying for your food." The panda bear turns around and says, "Hey! I'm a Panda. Look it up!" The bartender goes into the back room and looks up panda bear in the encyclopedia, which read: "Panda: a bear-like marsupial originating in Asian regions. Known largely for it's stark black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves." 

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