Friday, 23 September 2011

My thoughts on this crazy World

Hey everyone,spring really is coming here now,all the trees have blossom and the spring flowers are coming out,wonderful.I am going to have a bit of a rant today.I am sure this type of thing happens all over the world,but on our news they said they want to put a warning before any film that shows people smoking,I mean what next,I am an ex smoker but when I see someone light up on the Tv or movies I dont rush out for a packet of ciggies.So the do-gooders are at it again.What next  I wonder no one kissing in movies might raise the teenage pregnancy numbers.And no cars they might encourage people to jump in a car and hurt someone or themselves.Its becoming a Nanny State.Soon the Prime Minister will be ringing up to tell us its time for bed.The world has gone Politically Correct MAD.Let people make up there own mind about what they want to do.I mean how many people have caused an accident in a car after smoking 6 cigarettes,cant remember hearing of any.But 6 drinks sure happens all the time.Dont get me wrong I have nothing against anti-smoking groups,but why do people who smoke get such a hard time,and heavy drinkers not too much.I would love to get your views on this subject so please leave a comment thanks have a great day....Tony

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